What succesfull people normally don't tell anyone? - AweFirst

Friday, 23 March 2018

What succesfull people normally don't tell anyone?

What do you imagine when you think about your path to success? In Western culture, people usually glorify someone grinding it out day by day sacrificing sleep, parties, good food and hanging out with friends and family.

Yet that is only one way. What is it that really create success? Sure, having clearly written goals with deadlines and hard work along with proper focus shouldn't be neglected, but there's a secret that many successful people don't openly talk about a more effortless and meaningful path.

Here take this quote by Keith Ferrazzi “Success in any field, but especially in business is about working with people not against them”

Anyone who has ever achieved something successful has gotten help from others down the road. People like Steve, Jobs, Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos have always had to rely on others to help them along the way. 

Business is not something that works only in your presence, it should work even if you are out of it.

Understanding how to properly create and manage your network of relationships will exponentially increase your chances of luck and increase the ceiling of your success. There is nothing more asset than having a network.

If you build a successful network even if you stop working, your network keeps on working and it pays you even if you are out of it.

Margaret Wheatley said relationships are all there . Everything in this universe only exists because it is in relationship to everything else. Nothing exists in isolation.

We have to stop pretending we are individuals that can go at it alone. You cannot go far when you are alone. All successful people understands this, but hardly someone share this.       

Let's look at how you can do this with your own goals. The first step in maximizing your own network is to clearly know and write down what you want in five years and then reverse-engineer it.

This means looking at smaller goals which you can reach in every month, week and day. After you do this, find a couple of people that have achieved.

What you want? What milestones that they have to go through? What obstacles do they face along the way?

You can cut your learning curve by half if you know the path that they took and the mistakes they made.

The third step is to simply reach out to those people and offer value. This opens the door to new relationships you'll cultivate later down the line.

Now, what about how do you offer value. So try to come from the frame of mind of the win-win idea that Stephen Covey mentioned. Now that you've spoken to someone you admire you have opened the door.

The next step is where 95 % of people mess up and ruin things.
I've seen so many people completely fail at keeping the relationship going. Yet, all it takes to make these relationships flourish and grow is the right mindset.

Most people view relationships as a power struggle. This is known as the tit-for-tat mindset right. This is the opposite side of the spectrum from the last tip.

People either straight up, ask for too much right away or they never ask at all. So many people want to have equity with others before asking for what they actually want.

Keith Ferrazzi says this is completely wrong. He says relationships are more like a muscle, that strengthens over time with each interaction.

You need to start wanting to help others succeed. The more successful you make others in your life the more successful you will naturally become.

In fact, I remember back when I was asked about what success was when I was in the
tenth grade. After spending literally hours thinking about it, I craft fully wrote my version of success is helping those around you succeed and grow on that last piece of homework in my creative writing class.

You know thinking back on it that probably means more than I thought it did when I wrote it down. But it's very very true. Don't only reach out to others when you need something from them.

Look for opportunities to add value to their dreams and goals. This means reaching up before you want something from them. Just tell them how much they inspire you or how much you enjoy their work.

Actually, buy a product or a book of theirs and tell them how it impacted your life. So, to sum it up focus on networking by giving value first, then continue giving value and after many months of strategy you might become a connector.

Think about it if you could connect Elon Musk to Jeff Bezos before they both become famous. Imagine how valuable you would seem to both of them just for the introduction.

Thanks for showing your patience and reading this article. I hope you got something new to know from this.

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